In today’s world businesses more and more often use outsourcing for their projects. And it’s no wonder. Outsourcing is so popular due to the fact that it allows expanding opportunities for business. In this article, we will focus on such a form of collaboration as a dedicated software development team. We will describe who can use it, describe its advantages, and the steps needed for hiring a professional development team.

What is a dedicated software development team and why do you need one?

First, let’s find out what kind of team it is. A dedicated software development team is a form of long-term cooperation with outsourced developers. A company hires a development team for a certain project. As a rule, this team works remotely, but the working principle doesn’t differ from the in-house team. The development team is fully integrated into your business until the project is completed. You may find this cooperation form useful in such cases:

You have a startup. For a young and fast-growing company a dedicated development team is exactly the right choice. You can quickly build a team to implement any challenging idea. At the same time, you will save money and time on the employment process. Most importantly, all members of your team will be able to focus on the most relevant tasks at the moment. You have a complex long-term project. If you are planning to launch a project that will last a long time, you need a good and reliable team. By hiring a dedicated development team you can be sure that the developers will not leave your project unexpectedly. Your project requirements are uncertain. At the discovery stage, you can only define the requirements of your project. This means that they may change in the future. If this is the case, you will be very comfortable working with an agile development team. And the Inoxoft company can help you set up such a team. You won’t have to waste time on a constant search for new employees to meet your project’s requirements, and you can focus your resources on the discovery stage.

If you are still in doubt whether it is worth hiring such a team we invite you to read in the next section about the main reasons to work with a dedicated team.

3 Reasons to hire a dedicated software development team

A dedicated developers team is a modern and very popular form of collaboration, which has become so widespread because of its convenience. You can consider the following reasons to work with outsource development team:

Find the right talents

This is probably the biggest advantage of a dedicated software development team over the usual forms of cooperation. Not always the specialist you need is located in your town, but you can find a good developer with all the necessary skills and experience for your project in any part of the world. In addition, developers from another country and cultural environment may have a different point of view on problem-solving. Therefore, this form of cooperation is also a great opportunity for experience exchange.

Have a flexible team

Requirements may change in the course of the project. Perhaps you need new technicians. Or on the contrary, some part of a large project is already completed and you don’t need some specialists. Working with a dedicated software development team you can painlessly add or remove developers from the team without having to worry about staff dismissal.

Save time and money

First, you do not need to search for the necessary developers yourself. On average, it takes an employer about 1.5 months to find and employ a good programmer. Add the additional time for training and integration of a new employee to this time. Also, do not forget the financial costs related to employment, such as HR specialist salary, the use of resources in the search of IT professionals, etc. All these difficulties you can avoid by using outsourcing companies. Such companies find specialists by themselves, and all you have to do is to choose the right one. Another nice bonus is that in some countries, developers’ services cost less than in the USA or Europe.

How to hire a development team

As we described above, one of the advantages here is that it’s easier and faster to find the right employees. And so it really is. In order to create a good team for your project, you only need to follow a few simple steps: As you can see, hiring a dedicated software development team is quite easy. The outsourcing company takes care of all the administrative work. You can focus on the more important tasks of your project.

About the author

Nazar Kvartalnyi is Co-founder and COO at Inoxoft.  He is a Microsoft certified professional and .Net specialist with experience in project management and mentorship. You can find him on Twitter or LinkedIn.